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Old 11-16-2005, 12:42 AM
Glurfle Glurfle is offline
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Regular had 99. I was stunned that he limped preflop and considered folding the turn. He was stunned that I 3-bet the turn.

In retrospect, I'm actually not doing great against his range of turn check-raising hands. JT is really the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that I beat. Which isn't to say that I wouldn't 3-bet the turn anyway with my flush draw, but it's not strictly for value against a weaker hand.

When he thought so long about calling the turn (and I'm pretty certain he believed his options were call/fold, not call/raise) I put him squarely on a small flush, with a very small chance that he had the same straight or the nut flush. His talking really suggested a hand that was decent but had no chance of improvement, and he was considering whether it was worth two bets for him to show it down. I assumed that a full house would always at least call, a T wouldn't have any difficulty calling and trying to fill, and that he wouldn't have any real difficulty calling down the nut flush against me, which really only left a hand like 8h7h. So I bet the river for value. I had no illusions of making him fold a better hand. I would have definitely thought about checking the river unimproved. Obviously, my read on his aggression level was way off.
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