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Old 11-15-2005, 10:55 PM
KDawgCometh KDawgCometh is offline
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Default Re: Is alcohol the answer? If so, straighten me out OOT


I want so badly to fit in, bang normal chicks, have a good time. I plan on rushing in the spring.

I want to live the right college experience but with the way my life has panned out until now, I think I really gotta learn up or I could do something really stupid.

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clayton. I give you props for asking these questions and doing your best to change.

You will fit in with those you relate to best. Cliques don't really exist in college, you need to find those who you feel most comfortable around, and not force the issue. There is no such thing as a normal college experience, there is your college experience

I know that the greek system is big down there, but don't rush just to get laid. One night stands can be fun, but honestly, they don't solve anything. I have never had a GF and always took care of getting laid through one night stands. They haven't been satisfactory in the slightest. I have also drank plenty and done plenty of drugs, but that hasn't ever made me fully happy.

You are worrying way too much about this, just relax when you are with girls. Its a matter of numbers, the more you hook up with, the better chances you will have of getting your joint worked. Just loosen up(and by that I don't neccessarily mean get drunk) and have fun. You are a freshman in college, this is a time for you to try new things and go about things in different ways. Mainly, just have fun and don't try so hard clayton
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