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Old 11-15-2005, 09:19 PM
pokahpaul pokahpaul is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 21
Default Re: 3/6 NL AKs facing Aggression

Thanks guys.

I guess I had a problem tackling the question of good odds to call vs. I know I'm beat so why pay him off. I just can't imagine him pushing the rest of his chips in on a 3-flush board without a good hand like a flush, set, or pocket aces with a spade. He knew I couldn't have the flush since I was betting out so strongly from the flop. Possibly he used that to his advantage and pushed knowing I would fold thinking he held a monster hand? But at the same time, I highly doubt players at this level would push with the rest of his chips with a mediocre hand when I have such good odds to call.
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