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Old 11-15-2005, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: PLO $100 nut low + 2nd pair

This is a tought decision. I would just call and see what happens on the river. Here is the thing: there is a good chance that u r splitting already (it seems like he has 89, 45 or even A2 as well). So if he has a 89 and no other 2 low cards then u are already splitting and there is no real point becasue he wont fold. If he has 45, he probably wont be folding and could counterfeit ur hand. If he has a 10 (WCS) then what are you hoping for on the river. Its only a 9 that ur hoping for which is 2 outs. He could also have a A210x and then ur going to get quartered and you could be in some trouble. I take the safe passive route here and just call. Maybe u hit a miracle card somehow and quarter him. I think this is a call or maybe even fold if you have a good read on the guy and think that he might be quartering you.
I think you should have lead out, but not bet pot. That way you keep the pot small so if you do get quartered u dont have to worry. I bet 1/2 pot and then call the raise probably and see what comes on the river. By betting $4 instead of 8 u can decrease spot significantly through turn & river.
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