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Old 11-15-2005, 05:36 PM
elscorcho768 elscorcho768 is offline
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Default Re: Cherchez le beneficiary

Did you actually read the Padhoretz article? Forget for a second your bias against neo-cons and just read the article. It basically says that a multitude of intelligence organizations supported the belief that Iraq possessed WMDs. Just read it and address the points brought up in the article and not the fact that it was written by a neo-con (which in my mind isnt a bad thing)

Also, when you bring up the pro-Israel faction in the administration and the connection to the Iraq war, there is no other way to take it except that you believe that the admin. acts on foreign policy based on what is good for Israel and not the US, which is complete insanity. I also think that you come down on the Bush admin. for being too allied with Israel (which in my opinion is a great thing) but fail to acknowledge the extremely close relationship the US has had with Israel through many other administrations, Democrat and Republican. Clinton has repeatedly called Israel "America's best ally"
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