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Old 11-15-2005, 04:47 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Location: Bloomington, Indiana
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Default Re: Offensive Photo?

First off, he didn't say "wtf nigger", he said "wtf nigga". Those are two totally different things. Also saying "you stupid nigger" is completely different that "yo dog! you ma nigga".

Honestly there are only a few kinds of people that get offended by this crap. They are:

1) Lawsuit fearing CEO's that forget they don't wear panties
2) People that are trying to be politically correct at all costs and are normally ignorant to the actual context or meaning of the message.
3) Black people that are playing the race card to get a free lunch or simply get off on a power trip.
4) about 20% (notice it's not 100%) of the people that use the term "white devil".

Still, it's funny how the only people complaining about this are white.

BTW, last time something like this came up one of my friends said "Man, white people are stupid.". Maybe I should show this one to him.

Dynasty has a bottle of Old E next to him and a WTF face. It's not a racist slur. If the Old E isn't photoshopped, the sign fits. If it is, then it's simply funny.

I can't believe I'm arguing this. Do you guys ever get out of the suburbs?
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