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Old 11-15-2005, 07:34 AM
AngryCola AngryCola is offline
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Default Re: What content should be censored from the politics forum?

By the way, this thread isn't locked because of the criticism of moderation or the discussion of what should be allowed. It's locked because it was clear to me this was already becoming a thread about pedophilia, and, for now, that's not something I'm going to allow.

My reasoning for this decision can be found a few posts up.

Just to be sure, I will contact Mat about this issue. If my instincts are wrong about this not being something 2+2 wants on its site, I'll be happy to admit my mistake and unlock the threads.

**Yet another EDIT**

It's not fair of me to lock this thread just because some people wanted to turn it into a discussion about another topic. While the OP did link to a couple of threads related to pedophilia, it's clear that he didn't want his thread to turn into a discussion about that particular issue.

Therefore, I'm reversing my decision and unlocking this thread. It may be unusual for a mod to admit making a mistake, but I'm already willing to admit that I made one by locking this thread

But until I speak with Mat, I don't want to see pedophilia related discussion, and that includes what I'm seeing in behemoth's latest thread. Hopefully you guys understand this is not an easy issue for me, and I'm only concerned about it because of 2+2s image and T&C.
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