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Old 11-14-2005, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Harrah\'s screws up again on the TOC!

Except for the whole playing for 13 hours and winning nothing part...

That was a promotional effort to get people into the circuit events (along with player of the year points in the WSOP). It was clearly designed to make at least some of it back in the additional entries in the circuit events.
Then to have the sponsor fill in the 2 mil for them they made pure profit on that tournament (despite the having to pay dealers they're going to get the free advertising which cost wise makes up for it)

That article was 100% BS. Very well done. Golf isn't a fair analogy because the prize pool/entry fee ratio is different there than in poker. (also, neither is blaming poor communication for the fact there was no communication--entirely his fault and he obviously was very reluctant to accept any blame for)

Then again, I'm not a pro tournament circuit player; but I'm even really ticked off at that apparent attitude and I wasn't even involved.

I also enjoyed the whole "your accounting was wrong" then COMPLETELY DODGES when asked to actually explain it.

I'll translate that into regular speak for everyone here.

We pocketed it--screw you.
Second fav line "I don't know if there was or wasn't" (referencing communication)

Gee--did you tell them or not? It's not that hard to remember is it? Since you're not sure--obviously that's a heck no.

I actually believe the long term impact is bad for the players as a group. The corporations are getting to do whatever they want at any time without saying a word to anyone and then exploit whomever they want at any time. All the freerolls mean is that several poker players can play a few more major tournaments every year. That doesn't mean a whole lot in the big picture. They got what they deserved here and that article hopefully won't fool anyone.
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