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Old 11-14-2005, 06:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Paul Phillips post on his website about 2+2

The problem many posters are apparently having stems from this strange desire to equivocate. "My posts can be deleted; Paul is just the same." Certainly this forum needs to have rules and structure, but if you think Paul just didn't like having his posts deleted, you're missing the point.

Some posters have argued that because Paul didn't post much, he wouldn't be missed. Wrong. It is precisely because Paul didn't post much that he will be greatly missed. His posts were articulate and noteworthy. Conversely, plenty of posters seem to envision a daily quota for themselves to meet. This doesn't mean their posts are without value; it simply means that we should be careful not to equate a lack of quantity with a lack of quality.

Paul was simply making it clear that if his posts were to be tossed into the void, it would no longer be worth his time to compose his thoughts in this forum. That might annoy you, but it's a valid stance for someone who makes a point of not wasting his leisure time.