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Old 11-14-2005, 04:34 PM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Code Red

Kerry, Lieberman, et. al stuck their fingers in the wind, looked at Bush's then impressive approval ratings in the polls, and said "This idiot wants to get us into an unnecessary war, but if we oppose him, everybody will think we're soft on terrorism and we'll lose votes.", so they went along with him. Good job Democrats.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post-9/11 the Americans rallied behind their leadership as one. It was natural. They would have rallied behind Winnie the Pooh if it were prez. There was clearly no way to undo that -- and certainly not through an act that resembles treason!

The president's popularity did not indicate an "approval" about how he was handling things (they hit the Towers on his watch for pete's sakes) but rather a mandate for him to take action as appropriate in order to defend America.

You can't fool all the people all the time. Initially even that "adventure" against Eye-rak seemed the right thing to do - and the people were approving. (Hell, a lot of 'em still think we found WMDs and that Saddam was behind 9/11!)

Soon people saw things different. And so, Dubya's numbers are now in the basement. As appropriate.
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