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Old 11-14-2005, 03:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Brand Spankin\' New Glock 19

Can someone tell me what the laws regarding guns are in the US?

Can you just go buy a gun, or do you need a permit/licence first?

Do you have to go through any training to be allowed to own one?

Are there rules to state how you store it and where (ie. in a gun safe or something), or can you have them laying around wherever or in your car?

edit: and for the guys who carry them around concealed, what do you have to do that have that privaledge? And do you actually carry it around everywhere you go?

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The short answer is that it all depends on your state and county. When I lived in NH, I was able to walk into a gun store, give them my drivers lisence and walk out 20 minutes later with a gun. I went to the police, filled out a form, paid $25 and got a license to carry it in my underwear.

Then I moved to Boston where I am not even legally allowed to own a gun without going through a process that takes several MONTHS just to store it in my house.
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