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Old 11-14-2005, 03:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Diagnose and treat my shoulder

I am too lazy to go to the doctor. So I turn to you, the physicians of OOT, to help me.

On August 15, while playing softball, I fell flat on my shoulder while running full speed. Tripped over the bag (don't ask). Right away my shoulder hurt. I could lift my arm over my head with a great deal of pain. I could throw but with a great deal of pain.

While the pain has subsided, it's 3 months later and my shoulder still hurts. It doesn't hurt all of the time. It doesn't hurt when I play golf. But it hurts when I try to lift something heavy, especially above my head (like a kid). Or when I extend my arm behind me. When I touch the point of my shoulder, it hurts.

So, what's your diagnosis and how do I treat it.
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