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Old 11-14-2005, 02:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Duvet (NYC club) trip report

So hanging out with some buddies this weekend and we begin the drinking festivities began around 3 pm saturday afternoon during college football. As it got to be around 10pm we fnd out that some other guys are coming out with us and that their driver is bringing them in right now. Anyway so they arrive pick us up and we head over to the club Duvet on W. 21st between 5th and 6th avenue.

We pull up in front of the club and the line is pretty long. however we chill in the car for about 5 minutes while the club people bring us out tickets. we are taken to the front of the line, pay $20 cover and go inside.

the club itself was pretty nice. you had your dancefloor, which really extended throughout the place as everyone was dancing and the main bar on the far side from when you get in. next to the bar is a giant fish tank full of jelly fish. it was really cool as with the flourescent (sp?) lights the jelly fish look awesome.

as we entered we inquire about a table and they say 4 bottles for $1600. well since we are already smashed (only 6 of us) there is no way we can drink this much. we settle for 2 tables and 1K i think (one really wealthy guy handles it and we chip in what we can afterwards).

so we are taken to a table. however its not a table but rather a bed. There is a a small platform in the middle where they put the drinks. so we are chilling on this huge bed (there are maybe 12 of these surrounding the dancefloor). they bring us 2 bottles, 1 grey goose and 1 other one i didnt see the name of as it was on the other side of the bed. the beds are firm, but comfortable and covered in pillows. they are suitable for standing/dancing as well as relaxing.

the music selection was good, but they played several weird remixes of popular songs. like hearing 50 cent but someone else saying the lyrics. anyway the selection was lots of hip-hop and in general good dancing music.

the ratio of guys to girls was good and as a result there were plenty of girls to dance with. having the bed (table) was nice as we didn't have to worry about going to the bar and getting drinks. we could also offer the ladies drinks easily as well. this worked out good since we were already hammered and there was more than enough to go around.

they give you a big container of ice, mixers which were berry and something sort of orange, and the bottles. being able to adjust the how strong the drinks were was convenient as opposed to just ordering stuff at the bar. running out of mixers and ice was no problem as the service replaced them often.

the bathroom setup was noteworthy as it was co-ed. for the men they have a side room where the urinal is like one big bath tub running along the wall. then they have a fountain in the middle where both parties wash their hands. handtowels were provided by the staff. apparently the stalls also had 1 way mirrors meaning you could see out while you were in there. that sounded pretty f'in cool but i had no need to deuce it so I didn't find out for myself.

the women were good looking, i would say the majority in the early to mid 20's. there were a lot of groups of 3-4 girls which worked out well for a group of 6 guys.

i think we got there around midnight and stayed till about 330-4. i'm not really sure if they were closing then or we just left because that part of the night was pretty much a blur.

in conclusion, had a great time, good atmosphere in terms women/drinks/music. it is expensive, but if you are in that kind of mood its probably worth checking out. i did hear afterwards that there is no cover before 1130.
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