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Old 11-14-2005, 02:55 PM
Spicymoose Spicymoose is offline
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Posts: 146
Default Re: River Checkraise

I think I normally check raise the flop, as you have about a 75% equity edge here. If you wait, and get a blank turn, your equity is 70%, but the bets are bigger, so maybe it is worth it to just check raise the turn. Since he is pretty LAGgy, the risk of it getting checked through is much less.

Preflop: Against someone who raises about 40% of their cards preflop, A6s has 52.5% equity, plus initiative. But, you are out of position, which makes things much tougher. For comparison, I will give you some other equity against buttons raising range.

A6o: 49.7%
A7o: 51.2%
A8o: 53%
A9o: 55%
ATo: 58%

A7s: 53.8%
A8s: 55.6%
A9s: 57.5%
ATs: 60.5%

I think this illustrates how quickly our equity deteriorates as we move down the rung of kickers. A6s still may be marginally playable if your opponent tends to make enough postflop mistakes.
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