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Old 11-14-2005, 02:40 PM
ggbman ggbman is offline
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Default Re: A hand that bugs me

Ok, i am going to risk sounding like a total noob here. How standard is the flop 3 bet. My initial incling was to call the flop and raise any turn, which is going to bet 100% of the time here.

For your line to be effective, you assume he either is drawing and want to charge him, or has a worse made hand and will pay off despite tons of action. The problem is, when he has a strong hand, you expose yourself to putting in a lot of bets with a medium strength hand and no redraw. By calling the flop, you can raise the turn for a free showdown, or value bet the river if his play feels like a worse made hand as opposed to a busted draw. I could be being results oriented here, but this way you control the # of bets going into the pot and never put in all that $$$ only to not showdown the hand. Just a thought.

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