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Old 11-14-2005, 11:59 AM
MaxPower MaxPower is offline
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Default Re: What to do with my life (need advice bad)?

It is clear that you are in the wrong profession for you. There are other businesses other than Investment Banking, you know. In these other businesses you will most likely never make the kind of money you can in IB, but you might enjoy your work and your free time. You might meet people there that you like and who are similar to you. You might even find a boss who you like working for. There are also small companies that you can work for, which are very different from the Corporate America you hate. Ultimately, you could be an entrepenuer.

So I think you should just look for work in something else. If you really love video games, I'm sure you can get a job in that industry. You will probably have to start out in a lowly position, but you can work your way up. The excuse that you have no skill is dumb. Either take some classes to get some skills or get an entry level job. You don't need skills to get hired, you learn most of what you need to know on the job)

I don't think you have to worry about the reference thing. You are just out of college, nobody is expecting you to have amazing references. You don't have to use your current employer as a reference.

You are worrying way too much about this. If you are absolutely sure that you want out of your industry, get out. If I were hiring someone who was fresh out of college, I would not label them a quiter if they has worked 3 months at a job they hated. I would respect their choice. I would hire them right away if they were qualified. If any part of you thinks that you want to make Investment Banking your career then don't quit - give it a try for a few years.

There is no going back at this point. The life you knew is gone. The new world you are entering into can be very rewarding in its own way, but it will never be like the old one.

On the issue of hanging out with your friends. I certainly reccommend you do that as much as possible, but you should not base your career decisions on that. I have news for you, in 3-5 years all of your friends (and you) will be in serious relationships and will be getting married and they will have serious careers of their own. Once that happens, you will still see them and hang out occasionaly, but it will not be like it is now. You might even find that some of your friends take a different path and you no longer have much in common with them.

Good Luck.
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