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Old 11-14-2005, 11:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: moderate moderator?

I think the poll is more about all of dynasty's decisions since he started moderating this forum. That MANY have said he is way over-zealous, and interfering into too many things instead of staying out of the way unless a real infraction has occured. Some of us think he likes the power and likes to flex his muscles. Espcially with people he doesn't like. He is not treating all the people in the forum equally fairly. Like he feels he can do as he likes. Even if the forum members don't like what he is doing. Not trying to start trouble matt but this is the reality and everyone in this forum knows it. I won't go on about it but it needed to be said. I know you like him because he works hard for you but he needs to treat people in this forum with a little more respect and back off a littel if he wants the members to respect him and like him as a moderator. Just my 2 cents. Please dont ban me for this. Everybody else is allowed to say there 2 cents please let me. I wont go on about it.

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I must agree with you, sir. He suspended me for calling Mike Matusow an a-hole. The explanation I was given is that they are trying to encourage the t.v. players to participate on these forums and they don't want to create a hostile environment which would discourage them from doing so. Give me a break. First of all, in my post, I called him an a-hole, and then wrote that I am too. In other words, I'm just like him. I'm on his side. I then went on to say how there are people like him in every walk of life. It's not like I went Mike Tyson on him and said I want to eat his children or said he should die, which is something people on here have said to me. Have they been suspended for that, no. But just call the guy an a-hole (an opinion shared by 99% of people who know him, 99.5% if you include his immediate family) and you get a week off with no 2+2. Secondly, if Matusow is so thin-skinned that a few harsh words toward him would prevent him from participating in intellectual debate, do you really want him to participate? Don't you think he's heard worse from better players than me?
Is it my understanding, then, that we can only express our opinions here as long as they don't offend the moderators?
And, if Dynasty doesn't enjoy the power, then why does he brag about it? link
Well, I'll see all of you after the suspension I receive for criticizing Dynasty.
I'll know I've truly made it in the poker world when nobody on 2+2 can say mean things about me that may hurt my feelings.
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