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Old 11-14-2005, 08:38 AM
BeerMoney BeerMoney is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
Default Re: 75-150 Stud: Running a Bluff With Scary Board

Hey Jeff. Why does everyone in this thread favor bluffing so much here? What, you have no showdown value with a pair of nines? The way I see it when he calls sixth he most likely has 1.) a pair (likely lower than nines) with a spade draw 2.) a hand like two pair that hes not folding for one bet on the river once he calls. Given that I think these are his most likely holdings I cant say I like the river "bluff" at all when he checks to you. Is my stud game atrophying due to too much hold'em lately or what? I've read all the responses and why am I the only one that thinks this is a clear check? "Bluffing" just cant be right here.

Mike Emery

[/ QUOTE ]

Mike, I missed the fact that jeffage had a pair of nines.

PS, tell everyone the good news.
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