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Old 11-14-2005, 08:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What to do with my life (need advice bad)?

I'm 25. I'm smart. I'm lazy. I had a rough childhood. I've spent the last 10 years being a pothead, being content, and doing whatever made me "happy" to get over it. Now im behind in life a bit, and not living up to my potential. I have worked mostly odd jobs and sweezed out 2 years of junior college in the mit's of it.

But now i have a choice, Live up to my potential, or float threw life. Im sick of floating, so i quit pot. Im trying not to be as lazy. I'm going back to school. Now im on the "5 year plan" to get my [censored] together by 30. No more being just "happy", i gotta pay my dues. You are not like me. You have paid your dues so far. Obviously, your not the type to float, or just be content and "happy". But your young enough to do both. Have the 5 year plan, but make one that lets you be happy.

Some of us are not lucky enough/worked hard enough to have this option. I suggest taking advantage of it. Working a job you hate, turns you into someone you don't want to be. Not living up to your potental, turns you into someone you don't want to be. You should search for that ideal middle ground. You have always used your brain, and its in your character to always do so. Maybe you should listen to your heart too this time.

Then again, the older people in this forum have more wisdom, when you can see threw there moments of jadedness. I just wanted to throw in the mid 20's slacker prospective, because i haven't seen it posted yet. And thats the oppisite extreme of being a smart kid with potental, who isn't a college grad. and "successful Banker guy" or whatnot.
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