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Old 11-14-2005, 12:46 AM
hypermegachi hypermegachi is offline
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Default Re: Zeroing in on free will

there is no answer. otherwise this topic wouldn't be discussed for thousands of years.

someone else on this forum posted this...i forget who, so i can't give credit. on the determinism vs non-determinism universe debate of free will, we cannot prove whether our universe is really random, or if it is a deterministic universe simulating pseudo randomness. thus, that possibility removes all decisive conclusions.

and then there's the omnipotent God. personally, i think if God is omnipotent, then we cannot have free will because by definition, God must be able to give and take our free will.

time argument? like the thread i started a couple weeks back, i think if a certain timeline which includes a beginning and end must mean we have no free will, since everything is predetermined and must be followed a certain. whether we "choose" or not is irrevelant because we will always choose the same result. but of course, there's no way to prove that this is the case.

blah blah blah and the list goes on...
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