Thread: Antique Guns
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Old 11-13-2005, 11:12 PM
peachy peachy is offline
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Default Antique Guns

I know a good bit about guns but I purchased a few 1800/early 1900 guns today that I actually know little to nothing about. I know enough about guns to know I wasn't gettin robbed blind...but im still curious. Does anyone here have any knowledge in this area before I go through the trouble of posting what they are?

I am taking them to a gun store to have them cleaned up and apprasied ASAP but since I have a busy week I wanted to see if anyone here could help out...Im gonna try and search for them as well...but this was worth a shot.

I wrapped them up in sheep skin and towels at my moms house on my way back I will go unwrap them so I can get the info from them and post pictures if needed and ill check back here to see if I even need to list what they are.

Thanks a ton to whoever knows more than me or can help!
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