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Old 11-13-2005, 05:11 PM
TheWorstPlayer TheWorstPlayer is offline
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Default Sebastian Bach - Trip Report

Last night, I went to Mulcahy's in Wantagh, Long Island to see Sebastian Bach play Skid Row's greatest hits. Absolutely incredible. I could talk a lot about the interesting crowd that was there, but I'm guessing most people here can imagine who shows up at a rock concert on Long Island. Anyways, he started the night with "Slave to the Grind". Rocked the place. It was completely packed. It was just general admission, with everyone standing, but I made sure to get there two hours early so my $15 ticket got me about 8 feet away from Sebastian.

The good old highlights included "Here I Am", "18 and Life", "I'll Remember You", and an unbelievably good performance of "Youth Gone Wild". On the back of his black leather vest was a weird silver splat which made it look like he was sponsored by Cingular, but since the vest was heavily studded and his tight black leather pants had silver lightning bolts on either side of the crotch, the outfit did not disappoint on the whole. Incredibly high energy level for the entire show, you could just tell he was having a great time and so was the entire audience. If you ever get a chance to see him perform, I highly recommend doing so.
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