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Old 11-13-2005, 06:02 AM
Scuba Chuck Scuba Chuck is offline
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Default Re: Playing for first

Here are my thoughts:

Preflop: If I was the big blind, and biggie had folded, and I was facing an allin from shortie, I would be calling with this hand. On the other hand, if I limp here, bigstack pushes, and shortie folds, this is an easy fold. From an $EV equity standpoint, I don't think I lose anything, in fact, I might even gain (although likely miniscule).

Preflop (the way it played out): Once bigstack just completed, I felt good that his hand was not great. Once shortie pushed, I figured shortie had a top 20% hand or so. Pockets, strong aces, two big broadway cards. He wanted to get the most value out of his hand. I called. Bigstack's call to me suggested that his hand was probably in the top 50% or so. I guess I don't see him calling with 47o, but I can see him calling with a lot of suited cards, broadway cards, weak aces, etc.

Flop: His flop bet identified to me one of his hole cards. At this point I figured his cards to be JT, QT, or KT. I figured AT was out as he would likely have raised that hand preflop. There's a small chance he has 8T or 7T if they're sooooted. There's also a small chance he has 9x.

So now what? There's t3300 in dead chips. If I am correct in assuming shortie now has a small probability in winning, making this call with 11 clean outs, and 3 potentially dirty, gives me about 2.8:1 pot equity and 2 cards to come. 2200 to win 5500 seems good to me. Furthermore, I didn't think my chances of taking first by folding here was any better than this chance right here.
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