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Old 11-13-2005, 01:28 AM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Glocks Are OK........But get a..............


With a Glock, if you don't fire it with a strong wrist the shells can "stovepipe" on you (aka the gun jams). If you're in a gunfight for your life you can't depend on perfect form. The solution is use a revolver for self-protection. There is no safety and revolvers are VERY reliable. If you are caught by surprise, the time to switch the safety on your semi-auto could mean you get shot first. With a revolver it is just point and shoot.

As for getting a gun, the founding fathers of the USA believed in an inherent right to self-defense. A gun in the hands of a 90lb 80yr old woman is a great equalizer when facing a 6'6" 300lb thug looking to do violence on her. If a person is a law abiding citizen who has never used a gun in a crime THEN it should be easy for them to get a gun. If a person has a history of violence using weapons then they should not be allowed to own a gun. End-of-story.
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