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Old 11-12-2005, 11:24 PM
sthief09 sthief09 is offline
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Default Re: Again with cold calling small pairs

the turn is a super-tough spot. i think all 3 options are pretty legitimate. you could raise for a free showdown and try to shove utg out but it sucks if utg slowplayed something. you can call to see if utg will raise so you can get out cheap, but then you cant protect your hand. also, this is a bad card since it completed an oesd and gave another oesd top pair. it's hard to expect that both players, utg having called 2 and mp raising preflop and betting twice, to have worse hands. best case they have a lot of outs. so fold is definitely an option.

i have no idea what i think. in my mind all 3 options run very close together. if i was at he table id fold also

and regarding postflop its probably close to neutral. whoever said these hands are easy to play is wrong. this hand is an obvious example of that. the relative position and having no reads might push this to a fold. the flop is standard obviously
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