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Old 11-12-2005, 07:43 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Need Life Advice Bad

lehigh - have we met when I was in NYC in July - trying to remember if it was your apt. I saw - I should ask TT if we met you.

Here's my advice to you. Option 3 is a long shot - and you may hate that worse then your other job when you're done - some of those designers get worked non stop for weeks - some sue for back wages and overtime, etc...

Option 1 or 2 - You say Option 1 doesn't allow you to save, but how would quitting and jumping into Option 2 be either less stressful or any better? -

I really have to be honest - I almost have to say option 1 just by virtue of the fact options 2 and 3 are such long bombs.

But I'm not gonna say option 1 - here's why.

1. - You're 22 - you've got plenty of time to fall hard on your ass and come out of it - as long as when you realize you can't win at #2, you get OUT, and fast.

I do think living in NYC and being a full time professional is a pretty unrealistic goal. I always thought if I was gonna turn pro, esp. online, I'd go move to some desolate internet connected place that I only paid half the rent I pay a month in Minneapolis. My good man, Brooks West, liked Fargo when he lived there cause it was so cheap to live and it wasn't expensive (back then) to drive long distances even to Minneapolis for gigs and back. As a person on a limited income (part time musician) - he made his bucks go further there. He paid maybe $300/month for a downtown apt. over a store a few years ago.

So I'd move there and try to make a run at it....but NOT in NYC unless this roommate situation pans out...

3. - I truly think you're going to change your mind AGAIN on what you want to do for a living or what you do for a career before you get settled down. While I'm sure the idea of getting married and knocking a girl up may not sound appealing at 22, sometimes it gets more so as you get older - and so you'll probably be making a change if that part of your life switches around.

If I were you...I would stick with option 1 and spend every waking minute of spare time on option 2 - improve your game - your ROI's are good - but I sorta feel like I'd expect to see better before a person goes pro. 1.5BB/hr is an acceptable rate in the old days, when you were playing on a live table with dealers, but I'd expect it to be almost double with double the number of expected hands per hour.

But you have to acquire one more attitude. You have to try to just let the stress blow off you while you're still doing #1 -

I think you're settled on doing #2, so while you're still saving and building the BR, just remember that - don't get stressed out - take in the tunes to work, take long lunch hrs and extra breaks - try to think like Office Space - LOL.

Best of luck to you - let us know what ya do.

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