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Old 11-12-2005, 07:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Tight-Agressive Outdated?

Well, in my opinion tight-agressive still work but in most cases it's not the best strategy anymore precisely there are a lot of players thinking like that, playing like that and by the way, thinking that you should think like that.

You are not taking the most, for sure, if you play the way that are playing at least (sometimes even more) about three or four players at the table.

I dont play tight-agressive at all and almost could say that i refuse my self to do it...

I can give you an example: somedays ago I was at at table, near the button and just after a tight/agressive player that knew me (more or less) and that we had already talked on the msn and so over. On that hand there were already four players on bet when he made a raise (i would be the fifht) and was thinking if i should call or fold having K8s (I am talking about a low limit and loose table and that is the kind of hand that I fold or not depending on the specific conditions). Well, when he raised I immediatly made my decision: call!

I ended winning the hand (what is not so important in itself) but what made he come to talk to me very confused. Since he had Pokertracker and he knew what kind of performance I have he came and told me: «how the hell you called my raise with K8s?... I raised precisely because I wanted you to fold if you had something average like that!»

And my answer was: that is exactly why I called!... And more: your raise made my hand much more easy to play after the flop and enlarged the draws that could became playable. I would have no problem folding it just on the flop if it went useless for me. But if I hit something good on it or a decent draw (or even something average with a backdoor draw) i am on the run for a big pot!

My answer was around that.

Of course, I play most based on implied odds since I play on low limit tables and I know what I am doing after the flop. But, on those days, playing tight and just premium hands is just a waste. You are putting aside profitable hands if you know how to play them... and against who you play them.

That doesnt mean, although, that you cant make money playing tight-agressive. You can, sure, you still can.

It is the best way?

I dont believe it is...
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