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Old 11-12-2005, 07:14 PM
Exitonly Exitonly is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 3
Default Re: why short term goals are bad

bah, i can't seem to concentrate to write up a long reply.

My girlfriend taught me a good (or i think) method for creating helpful goals. You set 3 goals.

Make one easily attainable.
Make one something that will require hard work
Make one that is nearly out of reach.

So lets say my goals were for school.

1. 2.0 GPA
2. 3.0 GPA
3. 4.0 GPA.

That's really rough, and you can/shouold break it down further (results on individual tests, etc)

That way, you're working towards goals, you dont get disheartened because if you actually work, you'll get atleast one of your goals, and you'll still be working for the other ones.

And you set a nearly unreachable goal because if you aim farther, you'll get better results. Like, lets say i aimed for jumping 20 feet in a long jumping contest (stupid analogy, but it's all thats coming to me), say i end up reaching 15ft. If i had oringally tried to jump 15 feet, i really doubt that i would have gone those 15ft.

Make sense?


So i partially agree that goals can hold you back, but i definitely think the goal method can be used effectively to produce good results.


I just make goals for fun, and i dont actively try and get them. Like, my 'goal' in that thread you mentioned was to win a bahamas seat. Is that something that i'm putting all my effort into? No. It's just something i'd like to accomplish, and theres nothing wrong with that.


as is the case for most of my posts, the thoughts arent organized, and aren't presented correctly. Oh well, you guys can figure out what i'm trying to say.
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