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Old 11-12-2005, 06:48 PM
crunchy1 crunchy1 is offline
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Default Re: Consumer Reports

I signed up and registered when I was in the market to buy a new vehicle. I signed up an account at the website and also got a 1 year subscription to the magazine. The website was very helpful in researching information on vehicles. The magazine also had a lot of good information and well-written articles. There's not much more in the magazine that you can't get with the online subscription

I stopped reading the magazine after I made the vehicle purchase. I also cancelled my website subscription. There's not a lot of value in paying for either of these if you're not constantly in the market to buy big-ticket items. If it's a one time purchase like a new house or new car - I'd recommend getting an account on the website and then cancelling when you've got the information you need.
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