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Old 11-12-2005, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: Existentialism, from the quiz

Hi Aytumius
This was a great link. Straight from the source - Sarte - it becomes much easier to comprehend than all the gibberish from the folks who tried to interpret Sarte, et al. I especially liked the part where the young French man was caught between staying in France and helping is aging mother, who was married to a Nazi collaborator or joining the resistance which necessitated moving to England and possibly doing nothing but shuffle paper work. He couldn't turn to priests because some were collaborators and others were not. So ultimately he was free to choose the path that felt right to him. No rule of general morality was there to tell him what to do: no signs are vouchsafed in this world. Catholics will reply: Oh, but they are! Very well; still, it is man in every case who must interpret those signs.
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