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Old 11-11-2005, 09:17 PM
Teak4 Teak4 is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Re: DERB\'s recent play

Wanted to throw-out perhaps a simplistic theory on DERB and the metagame dynamic. What is control of the table worth in limit? Derb's strategy pretty much gaurantee's him control of the table and he gets it just about every time he plays.

The TA approach can get you control of the table occasionally when the right combination of cards, position and opponent type come together. We've all had runs where you can sense that the whole table is reacting and basing their decisions on your action and reacting with caution if not fear. Nice position to be in, but tough to make it happen often or for a sustained period 10 handed playing a typical TA game.

My questions:

How can you quantify the value of controlling the action at a table?

How would you optimize DERB's approach to give away less on questionable plays on individual hands while still controlling the action?
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