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Old 11-11-2005, 06:48 PM
Darryl_P Darryl_P is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 158
Default Re: Need Life Advice Bad

There are some personality types for whom I wouldn't recommend poker because it will lead to certain disaster.

In your case, though, I think you should go for it. You are smart enough, hard-working enough, and level-headed enough to not overestimate your abilities. Beyond these 3 qualities there's nothing more you need IMO. Even you have no natural poker talent at all, you can compensate for that with hard work.

Just start small, set modest goals, and think long-term and you should be ok. And get the hell out of NYC and move somewhere where the cost of living is low.

I gave up a multi-million $$ career for a much more modest life and I haven't regretted it because I do what I enjoy, I have time for my family, and most of all I get to be me. I think you have a very similar personality type to mine and so I think being a pro gambler would suit you well.

I predict your biggest challenge will be to play aggressively enough and to get the right number of bluffs in. Honest guys usually have trouble bluffing or betting without the goods. But if you are aware your weakness and focus on improving them, then there's no reason you can't be successful IMO.
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