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Old 11-11-2005, 01:38 PM
imported_luckyme imported_luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Why demand logic?

Do you demand a great book, or movie, to be logical, for you to believe it, to "accept" it? To take you to new, exciting, places, or even change you deeply in rare cases? No. Sometimes the most amazing works of arts, the most moving masterpieces, are the ones least logical. Music is not logical.

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We don't demand anything, but the book, even if it is a set of nonsense poems totally depends on the logical structure of the language, if it didn't I wouldn't be able to recognize the one that is nonsense. Nonsense poetry depends heavily on logic, it teases us with how it almost makes sense. How does the writer know that I'll know there is no such thing as Bagnose? Well, he makes a logical assumption, and I know he has made that assumption and he knows I know ..hhmmm, it's like poker.

Music isn't logical? It's as logical as most experiences we have. The relationship between a specific mark on a page and the sound produces is constant not random. It also counts on the sound being produces sounding the same to the next person. I don't assume 'the sound of music' sounds to you like a herd of horses running by. There would be no common music if we each heard ( if we hear it at all) totally different things, or if it sounded totally different each time we heard it.

When we play the same tune in our head ( so we're not sharing it) what do we mean "same", that is a logical claim we are making when we recognize it, and we're not even talking to anyone.

Music may produce emotions, but that is only true if we believe in cause and effect. It makes no sense to think "that tune makes me sad" if we haven't bought into the logical idea that one event can cause another. We don't experience it as "sad-making" and "non-sadmaking" simultaneously, why not if there is no logic to the experience? We can experience sad and happy from the piece simultaneously but that is not the same concept as sad or not-sad.

I'll stop there, I've only touched on some logical aspects of music and stories, and likely not the most important. Escaping logic isn't easy.

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