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Old 11-11-2005, 06:53 AM
kitaristi0 kitaristi0 is offline
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Default Re: Question for Swedes

There was an article in Card Player Europe a while back talking about the poker explosion in Scandinavia but I can't find it right now. Some reasons Swedes kick so much ass are:

1. Just about everyone has an internet connection
2. Generally people are smarter in Sweden than in some other countries
3. If it's the same as in Finland, then university education is free, which makes for even smarter people.
4. As a generalisation, smart people tend to make better poker players than stupid ones.

I'm not Swedish btw, I'm Finnish, but the poker explosion is really starting to hit Finland too now, so the same thing is starting to happen here that's been going on in Sweden for a few years now (WPT just aired it's first episode a month or two ago, and the first poker book written in Finnish has just been published.)
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