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Old 11-11-2005, 02:51 AM
Rotterdaum Rotterdaum is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 20
Default Re: Bad run. PT stats. Telling?

Of the awful 30K hands, in all honesty, I've tilted away 4-5 hands, and not on the higher stakes. So that is not a big issue and aside from that I don't understand the change. Objectively it seems like either I was running incredibly well before and this is what I really am, or that this is a streak of horrible luck.

So assuming that spewing means playing idiotically/tilting, I don't feel that's an issue, at least I don't feel the difference between how I'm playing now and in the good days.

Also I JUST started playing on party hopi8ng for a positive change, and awful results contineud for another 8k hands so far, but I'm doubt I'm already being stalked there.

About TAG and LAG, well, I've been TAG for months but by observation I noticed that good LAG playesr are more adaptive and have more of an edge in better skilled games so I tried my best to use that style. But I tightened back up in the middle of the losing streak because while LAG seems to win more on the good days, it also seems to lose more on the rainy ones.

What is highjacking? Betting into an aggressor in an attempt to steal?

It's quite shocking that 30 000 hands can be considered a microscopic sample for some topics by those serious about poker.
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