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Old 11-11-2005, 02:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What\'s your pet peeve?

When someone blows their nose while you're eating.

When you're taking a test, and the room would be silent were it not for the ADD kid in the back who can't stop shaking his leg.

The words "crucial" and "key".

When women terribly misconstrue your words and somehow interpret everything you say as something negative towards them.

The New York Yankees.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I had to work with this guy who described EVERYTHING as "crucial" and "key"... his name was Eric too, so my boss kept putting us on a shift together.

Eventually, I had to tell him, but I waited till we had both smoked a bowl, which I find is the best way to tell someone that sometimes you would like it if they died.
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