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Old 11-11-2005, 02:06 AM
Sponger15SB Sponger15SB is offline
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Default Re: Best cab driver stories

Here was a conversation I had with a taxi cab driver a few months ago...

Cabdriver: Where to?

Sponger: Uh.. gay bar, please?

Cabdriver: So, you're gay, huh?

Sponger: Well.. let me put it to you this way: I am gay, but my wife and three sons don't know about it!

Cabdriver: So, you keep it a secret, do you?

Sponger: Well, yeah. Basically, what I try to do is act real manly in front of people I know. Hell, I'll even make fun of gay guys at work, just to make it look like I don't like gay people! But I like 'em.. I like 'em a lot! And, tonight, I plan on showing at least five of them how much I like them - if you catch my drift! Right?

Cabdriver: Yeah. So, in summary, you're gonna have sex with a lot of gay men tonight?

Sponger: Exactamundo!

Cabdriver: I mean, what's the harm, as long as your family never finds out about it.

Sponger: Right-o!
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