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Old 11-11-2005, 01:28 AM
SNOWBALL138 SNOWBALL138 is offline
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Default Is poker good for you?

Is poker good for you? I mean YOU, not people in general.

Here's my answer:

-Makes me tough

-Sharpens my analytical thinking skills

-Healthy outlet for competitive urges

-Teaches me to avoid irrational responses to problems in my life

-Its fun

-In general, I no longer have a passive outlook on things. I don't think "hmmm, I wonder what happened in class today? I don't want to go because I'll look like an idiot for showing up so late and the teacher will disapprove"
I think "wow, I just missed the first 2 hours of class because I slept late but I can still make it there for the quiz at the end if I hurry"

Or instead of "Hmmm, I wonder if that neighbor girl likes me"

"I'm going to go knock on her door and try to hit it off with her. If it goes bad, at least I'll know that I tried"

So, instead of trying to anticipate things passively, I try to make the best decision I can at every moment I can.

If someone makes fun of me for something, or a car cuts me off in traffick, or a girl rejects me, or I have a spat with my father, or someone gives me a bad look or tries to start a fist fight with me, my fequent response is to weigh my options based on my goals, and the probability of achieving them.

Instead of thinking "wow, I can't believe there's a four flush on board and I have AA wrong suit" I think "This player is passive. I fold"

I think poker teaches me to make the right decision in the middle of a hardship instead of just when I have my head on straight. That doesn't mean I always make good decisions or that I'm not lazy and flawed. However, I can say with confidence that 2+2 has contributed to my overall decision making process.

So, how has 2+2 and poker influenced your personality and thought process?
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