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Old 11-11-2005, 12:57 AM
Nightbrace Nightbrace is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 29
Default Re: AJ suited, should I check-raise this turn?

I disagree that its favorable that he has 2-pair. He already assumes that I have a strong hand since I raised from early position, if he flopped two pair he most likely would have raised the flop knowing that I am stong enough to call, its possible that he may be slow-rolling a set, to me its most likely he has flush draw or a pair of 9's or 10's, either way an Ace or Jack beats him. If he is playing 910 I am dead, but to put him on that is unlikely with the tight play and my aggression pre-flop. If we put him on A10, A9 or 2 hearts then I am favorable to draw to my 6 outs if I check-raise. I doubt he raised with a gut-shot, I wasn't trying to say that, and I understand that he would not call a check-raise with a gut-shot, but would probably not call a bet with a gut-shot either. In this situation I read A10, K10, Q10, to be most likely, a Flush-draw next, then A9, or a set. I think 2 pair here is the LEAST likely, especially given the relatively tight table.
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