Thread: stud high
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Old 11-10-2005, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: stud high

You raise in early position screaming Qs. You get called by a K, and with two power cards in, you get re-raised by an ace. I dump here. You are likely beat in one spot, if not two, or are up against a big draw and big pair.

If your plan is to dump on 5th, you must be convinced you are no good, so drop it right on 3rd. You put in two s. bets and got raised, why get trapped for any more? You put in two more bets, effectively doubling your losses in the hand.

Even if the aces had a pocket pair, and the K was on diamonds, you would be a very small fav. If the K's have a small pair, you are pretty much even money.

So since the best reasonable scenarios put you close to even money, and the worst leave you way behind, I'd get out early.
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