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Old 11-10-2005, 05:03 PM
arod15 arod15 is offline
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Default Re: My car got keyed how should I respond, if at all?

Taking up two spots. Bigtime [censored] move. Keying the car? Completely unacceptable. However, it is highly likely that it wasn't the ranter who keyed your car. Few people who draw attention to themselves like that will actually follow through.

If I knew it were that guy, I would want to do something, not sure what. However, as things stand, you just need to let it go.

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Is it really that [censored] when there is is 10x as many spaces as needed? I generelly agree with your statement, when parking is hard to come by. But the town I park in there is always a spot on the street. I picked the closest spot to the train but there was enough room for 20 more cars around that street. So i really dont see what the fuss is about. I think people have an image of NYC or Hoboken where there is no spots in sight, so when I say I took two spots they get angry. But this is the opposite of that. It is essentially an empty street where Stevie Wonder could park because its so open. I really dont see why anyone would get mad if you took two spots. I suspect the guy's real issue was that I parked in front of his house, not how I parked. His wife generally parks her big SUV there and takes both spots. However since I was late she had already left for work leaving the spot open for me.....
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