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Old 11-10-2005, 04:59 PM
TheQ TheQ is offline
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Default Re: God Created Us \"In His Image\"?

I was just thinking about this a few weeks back.
Excuse the spelling [img]/images/graemlins/ooo.gif[/img]

God is a creator.
With His mind, He creates reality.

Deepak Chopra says "we are a manifesation of our thoughts"
Tony Robbins says certainty is the key. True Belief makes things happen.
The Aztecs couldn't see the Ships from Europe. Their ability to see the ships was blocked by the reality created by their brains, thougths, beliefs.

It seems like different cultures, and people, are all grasping for the secret of everything. Each one finds a little piece, and makes it the centerpoint of their lives.

God is able to create, therefore we too are creators, of thoughts. Thoughts are the first step in modifying reality. Little geysers sprewing thoughts everywhere, both good and bad. A lot of us aren't really even concious of most of them. Like walking for instance. Personally, I make it a contest, to identify as many thoughts conciously as I can. And when I encounter a belief (something I hold to be true) that I don't agree with, I change it. Here is a perfect example. "It's so HARD to be good, It's hard not to lie"
AXE IT, and REPLACE IT "It gets easier and easier everyday not to lie" "I think I can do a LITTLE better tomarrow" Mental tricks.
People modify their thoughts and beliefs all the time. To win at Poker, required me to modify my values, to those of a state, conducive to making money.

Poker players are famous for thinking on Higher Levels. God thinks on greater depths, even greater than the heavens. I think it's from the Old Testament.

Like God did God make man. Genesis.

How long would it take a poker player to read the bible?
Not nearly as long as a numpty. And a poker player can deduce a lot more both directly and indirectly (implied) than the average simp.

God has the Holy Spirit so man does too.

Jesus said: to see me, is to see the father. What do you see when you look at someone? Their face. Whats in a face? Expression. What is an expression? A manifestation of our emotions. So to see Jesus, would seem to say, we see God's emotions. Pure Love, and Joy, ect. What's wrong with that? So I would think God is capable of all emotion as well.

Jesus also said: Love the Father with all your Heart, Mind, and Soul. So there are 3 parts to us. What is the Heart? Where (at that time, they thought) emotions came from. Mind is where the thoughts are CREATED (see the top) So then THINK about God. And I haven't figured out the nature of the soul yet. Have no idea. So maybe God has 3 parts as well? The trinity?

I like to be efficent and do something for more than one reason. Ask a question of somebody for not only the answer to the question, but also to define them, and also to gauge what they think about the topic. God does simple things for many reasons. Much deeper than we can imagine.

God is forgiving so we should forgive, someone always has to end an argument right? Might as well be you.

Somebody should go through the bible and define God, all the TRUE statements, and then we could sort of answer this question. How are we like God?
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