Thread: Coinflips
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Old 11-10-2005, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Coinflips

Definitely a fair point about the complexity and absurd vagueness of my question.

But I guess I meant it more like this:

Let's assume that you DO pursue coinflips in the following situations:

- +EV situations, which would arise commonly with lots of dead money in the pot

- situations in which the implications of the size call do not have a demonstrable effect on your stack, and would have the potential to knock someone else out

- situations where you are very short-stacked and have limited fold equity, and this might be the best chance you can get.

Are there others that I'm missing here that are occasions for pursuing coinflips?

Do you ever pursue coinflips relatively early in a STT with hopes to double up and be able to play more aggressively? I've seen folks try this, but I'm not sure I feel so positively about it.

Other thoughts?
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