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Old 11-10-2005, 01:12 PM
imported_luckyme imported_luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Are atheists better poker players than theists?

They are simply not invested in the project of science and find it easy to weaken the scope of what science can accomplish (on a practical level, no science is affected, but on a philosophical level, all science is affected).

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So when I go for my kidney transplant I can be confident nothing weird will go on with the physical happenings in our universe because, uh, because.. a)I'm invested in the project of science or b) because the universe doesn't care what I think or c) something weird may go on because I'm not invested in the project of science but not really because it only affects science on a philosophical level. good grief, get a grip.
Things fell down before Newton, events don't depend on our investment.

If the findings of science are cramping your style, just give it the finger and move on. Lot's do. Why torment yourself with twisted reasoning.

The divide between religion and science, it seems to me, is over the uniformity and constancy of the laws of nature through all time.

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One of the interesting areas of science is the study of whether 'laws' have been different at other times, whether universes can survive with different laws, different in black holes, etc, so at a basic level that's not a problem.

The divide is a territorial dispute. Science claims the universe is as we find it. Most religions dispute aspects of that to varying degrees and in certain areas wants it to be different and not how we find it, without evidence, naturally.

If scientific laws are capable of exceptions for divine purposes,..

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... then with 7 billion versions of what type and when that exception should/did occur we'll see lots of evidence of it... soon I'm sure. ( lots of prayer is intercession requests or thanks for).

if I thought I was wrong, I'd change my mind
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