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Old 11-10-2005, 12:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Any eight will win!


And so you put forth the example of a hand being mistakenly awarded, but that doesn't fit, because in that case a player who sees the mistake SHOULD speak up immediately.

The hand is over because their is no more discretionary action at this point.

The rule you cite is irrelevant to the discussion.

[/ QUOTE ] which of the discussions I was having with someone else is this irrelevant to?????

You piped in in the middle of the thread and proclaimed that I could not find a relevant example of how this rule would be used.

I corrected you once and pointed out that the citation of this rule was in reference to Kaesers proclamation that a hand is over when betting is completed. I was explaining how the hand does not end with the completetion of betting as there is more action to be taken and the showdown and award of the pot are part of the hand and that the hand truly is not over until the next deal begins.

I then produced an example of how this rule is used and clarified whe a hand truly ends.

So Kaesar stated when he thought a hand ends, I stated where most rule books state that a hand ends and cited the rule, you chimed in and claimed I couldn't provide an example of how this rule would be used, I explained that you had misunderstood my reasoning for citing that rule and then produced an example of how said rule is used.....and now you claim my citation of that rule is "irrelevant to the discussion." Gosh I sure am confused...please elaborate as to how this was irrelevant to the discussion?
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