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Old 11-10-2005, 08:01 AM
jib jib is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Default Re: Some private messages I\'ve received

I am kind of depressed to read these PMs because I am a fourth year electrical engineering student with aspirations to go to law school or get a mba somewhere down the road. I would expect more outa myself, considering that engineers deal with numbers and really boring crap like that, but he is not me so whatever. But I would like to suggest an explanation assuming that everything about Jumpman's academics is true. And I am sure you will notice that I made some other assumptions as well.

Law schools take 3 years to complete. Assuming he graduated when he was 21, he did not complete law school.

Traditional MBA programs also take 3 years to complete. Assuming he graduated when he was 21, he would not have an MBA from a traditional program.

However, there are those stupid 5 year BS engineering / MBA programs. These are the MBAs that don't do anything for you because no one has ever heard of the MBA program and you didn't work in the real world before you went back to get your MBA.

Anyways, I suspect Jumpman got his MBA through a 5 year program. This would make him 22 when he graduated. And since he says he is 23 he would probably be a first year law student.

Barring that I just deduced that based on common knowledge, let me add that the path I described is one of the stupidest lines I've ever heard of. Very few poeple get law degrees after getting MBA's. However, many poeple do get MBA's after gettin law degrees. Perhaps Jumpman is like that Dutch Boyd fool who is smart but is full of himself. (Btw, that Dutch Boyd stuff was before my time so I don't know the proper history on the subject. And no, I'm not gonna search it.)

But maybe he does have all three degrees already. Or maybe he could just be lying about everything.
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