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Old 11-10-2005, 02:00 AM
Michael C. Michael C. is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 136
Default Re: My Reason and Phillips Poll

Unless Paul made a completely different post that I missed, banning him was absolutely ridiculous. Disagree with him? Fine. But there's no way what I read of his can be construed as a personal attack. I sometimes think moderators go too far too. I realize it's a tough job, and if I did it I'm sure some people would disagree with my decisions. But whatever they get paid or don't get paid, they have to have somewhat of a thick skin. Instead you guys decided to make an example of Paul simply because you disagreed, and someone got his feelings hurt. Those are very bad reasons, and I think you've really hurt your site. I'm pretty sure Paul won't be back, although I hope I'm wrong. So congratulations for getting rid of him, since that's the result regardless of the intention. I think some posters deserve to be banned, but when in doubt lean in the direction of discretion. That was not done in this case, and the loss is yours, and the 2+2 communities. It's not like we have that many real voices in the world of big time poker, and now we've lost one of them. Sorry this is so long, and my appologies if Paul made a completely different post other than the one I saw. But if it is just that one, banning him was completely wrong, in my opinion, which is all any of us can ever really give...