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Old 11-09-2005, 08:59 PM
AcesKracked AcesKracked is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SC
Posts: 43
Default Re: The Perfect Chipset?? --amounts of each color

If you are going to be playing tourneys w/ up to 25 people you probably need at least 1500 chips. I have played in many and have been organizing our game of 15 for 2 years, we continually fine tune it, but prefer starting off w/ a stack of 40 chips. No fun to play a tourney when everyone only starts w/ 10-20 chips and everyone is constantly asking for change. And it is always cool when it is time to move to final table and you have to ask for 3 racks to bring your chips over. We usually color up twice and sometimes three times in our 2-table 4-5 hour tourney, it gives time for everyone to take a 5-10 minute breather anyway. My 2 cents.
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