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Old 11-09-2005, 03:17 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: does pot improve intelligence?

I would say I go thru a half ounce every couple months -

Sometimes just one or two bowls a night - usually after all the work is done and it's just me, the Xbox, and the TV - Esp. if I'm having a difficult race on Forza, I like to take a drag right before the start of it - I think it makes me more willing to drive a bit harder -

I'm not smoking as much as I could - I'm trying to keep it at a normal level - but it is interesting - without the negative effects that alcohol has (throwing up) - it's not hard to get so blitzed you don't do anything but fall asleep in the recliner - LOL - but these days, I haven't been doing that for a while. If I smoke TOO much I will have a slight headache when coming down and that's not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

I equate a bowl to a couple beers or a hard shot or two - and if the rest of the world can have a couple beers after dinner watching TV, or a glass or two of wine, then I can have a bowl -

I guess the best response is, if it's a night I would have drank (pretty much any sun-wed night) then I'm probably smoking at that same time period instead - although not as heavily as I drink - Right now if I go to my bong there's a good chance there's a hit or two in there I just left after the last one I had 4 hrs before going to bed - I didn't have the need or urge to finish it off -

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