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Old 11-09-2005, 03:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Screw the rake- your wife should leave you

I'm going on a diff. rant here. How can you host an illegal card game with people you don't know in your garage while your family sleeps upstairs??? And saying "they're not my close friends" basically means you don't know them or their friends. I go to a similar game hosted by a guy with baby in tow throughout the game and approx. 27 players, but 6 are his family, about 20 are co-workers, and the rest (incl. me) are friends of trusted friends with whom I went the first few times.

In your case, it's different, sounds to me. Screw the safety of your game and the legality of it-- my WIFE would shoot me if I tried that, and I wouldn't blame her, with my 3-yr-old son sleeping up stairs. Grow the hell up- just host a friendly game and try to win the money through skill, not extortion.

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